Grace upon grace
Every person has a story.
We all have a past.
We all hope for a better tomorrow.
No matter how your story has begun, and no matter how many chapters have been written, we know that God's grace has the final word.
Come and be a part of what God is up to in the Village.
All are welcome to the table and all are
welcome to experience God's amazing grace.
“For from [Christ’s] fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.”
(John 1:16, ESV)
We all have a past.
We all hope for a better tomorrow.
No matter how your story has begun, and no matter how many chapters have been written, we know that God's grace has the final word.
Come and be a part of what God is up to in the Village.
All are welcome to the table and all are
welcome to experience God's amazing grace.
“For from [Christ’s] fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.”
(John 1:16, ESV)
Service Times
Sunday Mornings
11:00 AM
Sunday School
10:00 AM
FEBRuary 2025
Sun. 2/2 Communion Sunday
Sat. 2/8 Food Pantry, 9:30-11 AM
Sun. 2/9 Souper Bowl of Caring, following Worship
No Meetings, Feb. 11-12, Due to Wintry Weather.
Wed. 2/12 United Women in Faith, 10 AM
Bible Study w/ Rev. Brooks, 6 PM
Thurs. 2/13 Handbells, 6 PM | Choir, 7 PM
Sun. 2/16 Sweetheart’s Breakfast, 8:30 AM
Tues. 2/18 Education Meeting, 6 PM, Small Fellowship Hall
Wed. 2/19 Bible Study w/ Rev. Brooks, 6 PM
Sun. 2/23 Noisy Offering: Bangladesh
Administrative Board, following Worship
Mon. 2/24 Deadline for March Newsletter
Wed. Feb. 19,26: Bible Study w/ Rev. Brooks, 6 PM
Thurs. Feb. 13,20,27: Handbell Rehearsals, 6 PM
Choir Rehearsals, 7 PM
Sat. 2/8 Food Pantry, 9:30-11 AM
Sun. 2/9 Souper Bowl of Caring, following Worship
No Meetings, Feb. 11-12, Due to Wintry Weather.
Thurs. 2/13 Handbells, 6 PM | Choir, 7 PM
Sun. 2/16 Sweetheart’s Breakfast, 8:30 AM
Tues. 2/18 Education Meeting, 6 PM, Small Fellowship Hall
Wed. 2/19 Bible Study w/ Rev. Brooks, 6 PM
Sun. 2/23 Noisy Offering: Bangladesh
Administrative Board, following Worship
Mon. 2/24 Deadline for March Newsletter
Wed. Feb. 19,26: Bible Study w/ Rev. Brooks, 6 PM
Thurs. Feb. 13,20,27: Handbell Rehearsals, 6 PM
Choir Rehearsals, 7 PM